Huzhou Henghui Technology Co., Ltd.


                      公司為重型裝備、工程機械、鑄造鍛造、核電設備、化工容器、發(fā)電裝備、航空航天、軍工制造及船舶重工等諸多行業(yè)提供各類(lèi)型加熱爐、熱處理爐和相關(guān)環(huán)保設備。加熱爐類(lèi)型如臺車(chē)式加熱爐、室式加熱爐、推鋼式加熱爐等; 熱處理類(lèi)型如:鑄造業(yè)的快速淬火爐組及配套裝取料系統、裝備業(yè)用的大型重載可變容臺車(chē)式燃氣熱處理爐、鋁合金熱處理用立式淬爐、軋輥退火罩式爐;其中鑄造業(yè)高錳鋼、不銹鋼快速淬火爐組及配套叉取式裝取料系統、封頭行業(yè)所建的高精度燃氣熱處理爐和重型裝備及壓力容器行業(yè)所建的大型重載可變容臺車(chē)式熱處理爐、風(fēng)力循環(huán)噴砂(丸)設備和催化燃燒噴漆烘干設備在行業(yè)內有較大的影響,獲得客戶(hù)非常好的評價(jià)。



                      誠信是為人的基本,也是公司生存與發(fā)展的根本。恒輝科技從成立至今, 始終堅守誠信之本,言必行,行必果。無(wú)論客戶(hù)身份,不分工程大小,均嚴謹認真對待,嚴守承諾保證質(zhì)量,在業(yè)內獲得良好的口碑。

                      在今后的征程中,恒輝科技將一如既往的發(fā)揮和發(fā)展自身的開(kāi)拓精神及創(chuàng )新能力,繼續作為行業(yè)發(fā)展的領(lǐng)軍者,為客戶(hù)提供更加優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品與服務(wù),也為恒輝人贏(yíng)得更多的自豪與榮耀。

                      Company Culture

                      "Tian Xingjian, gentleman strives for self-improvement; gentle terrain, gentleman carries virtue", in the years of development and growth of Henghui technology, Henghui people have always adhered to the enterprise survival of "being down to earth and doing things honestly" In this way, we have fulfilled our duties, honesty and trustworthiness, selfless dedication, and the courage to innovate, forming a corporate culture of "honesty based, innovation forge".
                      • Integrity First

                        Honesty is the basic of humanity and the foundation of the company's survival and development. Since the establishment of the company, it has always adhered to the principle of good faith, and words and deeds will be decisive. Regardless of the customer's identity, regardless of the size of the project, they are treated seriously and strictly, strictly abide by the commitment to ensure quality, and gain a good reputation in the industry.
                      • Dedication

                        From leadership to ordinary employees, the company strictly abides by its positions and works diligently. "Willing to work hard, willing to pay, not afraid of suffering, without complaints" is the most true portrayal of Henghui people. These due diligence styles are inherited by the old employees and have a new expression in the young employees, infused with new content.
                      • Innovation

                        Since its establishment, the company has worked hard in the market, accumulated experience from successes, and learned lessons from failures. In a fierce and complex market environment, we constantly sum up experience, constantly learn with humility, enrich our technical level, improve service quality, and finally win a large market share in fierce competition. Henghui Technology is the leader in the innovation practice in the field of Changxing industrial furnace, the "hometown of electric furnace". It is brave in practice and scientific innovation. It is a professional industrial furnace company that can independently complete the design, manufacturing, installation and electrical control of large-scale gas heat treatment furnace and heating furnace; The Company has developed and designed regenerative combustion system and rapid quenching unit for high manganese steel and alloy steel, achieving the speed that the quenching transfer time is less than 30 seconds; It is a company capable of developing industrial furnace control software. In the future journey, Henghui Technology will continue to develop and develop its own pioneering spirit and innovative ability, continue to be a leader in the development of the industry, provide customers with better quality products and services, and win more for Henghui people. Pride and glory.
                      • Brand Services

                        The company adheres to the business philosophy of "focusing on customer needs", regards "integrity as life", puts customer needs first; strictly controls product quality and service quality and implements "nanny service". Users can enjoy on-demand product after-sale tracking service for life. The company has a dedicated after-sales service department to provide users with first-class integrated services and quality with better strength.
                      • Corporate Vision

                        Work hard, keep improving, and work together for a common goal.
                        Based on the field of industrial furnaces, to achieve co-creation, win-win and sharing among customers, employees and enterprises.

                      Marketing Network
